Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Look, I really have met people!

Alright, I finally have some proof that I am here! The city is pretty cool actually. There are tons of huge modern buildings, as Birmingham is an industrial, corporate centre in the UK. But there are also old buildings as well.

The city also has a network of canals running through it, which make a perfect spot for cafes, restaurants, shops as well as house boats that are constantly passing by.

And yes, I truly have met some friends. This is a picture of us at the TimePlan office during training. 5 Aussies and 4 Canadians. We've spent lots of time together, in training sessions and out on the town. It will be sad seeing everyone less once we are all out and about the city teaching.

I am still looking for a flat. I've looked at three. I hope to look at a few more, hoping for one that is a bit cheaper. It will be very nice to have a place to call my own. I also ended up going to church today. It was sort of by accident. I had a bunch of errands to do, and decided to forfeit church due to urgencies sake. However, in the afternoon I was passing by the biggest most prominent church in the city centre and decided to go in. It turned out that the Vinyard church network has a bunch of churches in Birmingham, and were having a service right then and there. It was great to worship (to familiar songs) and to meet a few people in the city from the church. Well that's all for now. Much more to follow!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need a comment here

11:34 a.m.  

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