Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Monday, September 18, 2006

Had a Wale of a Time

Well, it has been a while which means there has been many things going on here in Birmingham. I've settled into my house. I have begun to get to know my housemates, although it is difficult when we all have different schedules. The teaching gang has spent much time together going shopping, out for dinner (Birmingham is known for it's Balti (indian) style restaraunts) and just good old fashioned hanging out.

Teaching. Where do I start with the teaching. In general, it is ok. The method of instruction and discipline are very different than what I am used to, which is hard to get used to. Approx 80% of the students in the schools I teach at are Asian background, mostly Muslim although many backgrounds are represented. A large number speak very poor english. It has been quite the shocker! It seems as though the combination of a new country, occasional teaching, and the beginning of the school term have combined to make quite the challenge for Miss Peters. However, each night I go home, and the next day is fresh and new. And today was a great day. A great class, wonderful students.

Because of the stresses of teaching, afew of us have already taken the chance to have a weekend getaway. Our destination of choice was North Wales. We got on the train at 6:30 Friday evening and after getting off 1 station premature, we eventually arrived in a small retirement village type town called Llandudno (pron. Clandidno). Below are some pics from the town, a nearby castle, Caernarfon (tromping grounds for the Prince of Wales), a town called Llanberis, and hiking up the Great Orme in Llandudno.

Getting home was a different story. Our tickets were booked for 4:00. However, the trains don't run that late on Sunday, so we had to take a cab to the next station. Once there, we were delayed an hour. Finally on the train, we were diverted to a different route because of track maintenance. When we got off the train in Chester, to switch trains, low and behold, someone has taken our backpack with our stuff. So for the next hour, we call police, lost baggage, train stations, etc. trying to think of what to do. We got a call today informing us that it wasn't stolen, but someone took it by mistake (sound familiar H?). Awesome. In anycase, we were freaking out. We finally arrived home at about 11:30, in somewhat crushed spirits, but still thankful for a great weekend.

It was back to work today. This week I plan on laying low, checking out some churches, doing laundry and some reading. I'll say it again, thanks for all of the chats and emails. It's great. I miss home very much!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Rachel. One of the things I like about this is that I get an education through your travels, pics, and comments, and it doesn't cost a bob!!! (What's "a bob"?) Can imagine that there would be challenges in such unexpected situations, but it's good to hear that you are finding good ways through them. Blessings.

3:53 a.m.  

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