Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Birmingham Beginnings

Well, it's been two-and-a-half days here, and so far so good. No major troubles, just small ones. Like my first morning here I woke up early to find my way to my training session on time. Nooooo I didn't get lost, for all of you who think you know me so well. I actually arrived an hour late because my alarm clock lost 2 hours overnight somehow. Awesome. As well, I apparently do not know how to use electric showers. I asked a guy who is staying in the same building if his shower was as cold as mine. He responded by asking in a mumbled kiwi accent, 'did you pull the cord then?'. Of course I should have known you need to turn the dial, AND pull the cord to have a normal shower. In anycase, things are great. I'm getting used to the city and feel comfortable with the city centre (downtown). The other teachers here are great. Mostly Aussie's and Canadians. So there is much to talk about. It looks like it'll be a week or so before I actually get some work, as the school year will begin slow for day to day teachers. So until then, I'll explore a bit, hopefully travel a little (Oxford and Stratford are on the agenda), and try not to spend all of my money. I also hope to find a church in the area, although I have not seen any yet. SOoooo, that's it for now. For all of you who need .visuals, the pics will come, as soon as I have time to take some. The days have been quite busy. Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers.


Monday, August 14, 2006

What Am I Thinking?

Well, as it stands, and assuming all goes as planned, I will arrive in Birmingham, England on August 29th. Once there, the plan is to meet some amazing teacher friends, find a sweet flat, and learn the public transat system. That's the plan at least.

I intend to post blogs as often as possible, but not too often so I don't bore you all to death. Feel free to sign up and leave messages, or to drop a line my email. As soon as I can, I'll let everyone know my phone number and address.

Well, that's it for now. Definitely not used to this blog thing.