Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Little Update

Well...the depth of thought may be lacking from this post. Mostly because I am tired, frustrated with the computer and very sunburned. Only on the backs of my legs though...didnt anticipate falling asleep on the beach. Hopefully I will be able to give a little idea of the things Ive been up to since last time.

Jacqui and Rachel learning how to eat Gelato....Czech style in Prague

Rafting/Lazing on the Vlatva river in Cesky Krumlov (yes that may be an entire bachelor party behind me....please do ask for an explanation of this one)

The hills showing their aliveness in Salzburg

The spectacular architecuture of the Budapest parliament building.

Caving with other Budapest hostel friends. (lots of crawling, tight spaces, sliding on bottoms and tons of laughs).

Till next time...if there is one before I return home...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you possibly be having a more varied set of experiences? Something tells me I shouldn't envy you the rafting with the bachelor party. It's pretty easy to see who is the most beautiful one on the raft, though. Counting days.

6:58 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That caving picture is sweet! That sounds like it would have been a ton of fun! Can't wait to see you!

1:01 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes -- we sniffed gelato in Prague. Nice nose!

5:01 p.m.  

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