Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Biggest City in the World...

How many times can you say you've travelled as a group of 4 all from different countries? I just spent a week in Dublin with Kamila (UK), Jacqui (Aus), and Dan (NZ). We were a very international group, said the Spanish employee at the Guiness factory. Dublin, we observed is a nice city, not very picturesque, but clean, spread out, not too busy, and full of very friendly and young people. Lots of shops, pubs, bridges, restaurants. We spent the first few days just walking around the city, eating in the pubs, watching 6 nations rugby in pubs packed full of both irish and french fans. Very relaxing and fun.

Of course, the entire city revolves around Guiness and the Guiness brewery.

We felt the obligation to visit the brewery which proved to be quite educational and interesting.

And of course, we felt obligated to indulge in the free pint offered to all visitors which you drink at the top of the 7 storey factory overlooking Dublin.

Dan and Kamila left us on our own for the last two days, so Jacqui and I jumped on a train to check out the coastal towns near Dublin. It's where all the really cool (or really old) people go to hang out for a nice day.

It was a beautiful day and we basically just hopped on and off in these little town, of course grabbing a bite at every stop, and taking a bunch of pictures.

Although not a busy, or action packed holiday, we had a great time meeting Irish people, trying the Guiness, and soaking in a new city and a new place. Now it's back to work tomorrow! Another six weeks before term break! Here goes....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking out Dublin so you know where to take us in May. We'll miss you tomorrow on our Ski Day. Looks like it may be sunny and just below freezing. Holiday Valley here we come!

8:01 p.m.  
Blogger Brian and Erin said...

Sweet action Rachie. Glad to hear that you watch some of the 6 nations. In Rugby crazy S.A. we've also been seeing the matches. Too bad for Ireland though with their star centre hurt.

We miss you very much. Wished you'd be there when we get back in just 10 short days.

Much love

12:19 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of pics with pints lately, girl! Anything you want us to know about? Some good twelve-step programs in England I hear. Don't wait until you get home to seek help if you need it! They say that early intervention is the most effective. Thanks for all the pics that you take the time to post, Rachel. Makes your travels enjoyable to follow (to say nothing of how they support so many more enjoyable hours of gossip -- out of concern for you, of course). Remember -- early help!

2:31 p.m.  
Blogger Paul and Yolanda Koole said...

Hey Rach, Thanks for the welcome home. I must say it is very weird enjoying the snow without you. I think of you every time I look at my crazy carpet!! :) I hope you get to do a little tobogganing out there! Paul is jealous about the Guiness factory, he's been a die hard fan since NZ! I love hearing about your adventures, I can't wait to catch up when you get back!!!

10:02 p.m.  

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