Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So many people have asked, 'what is in Birmingham?'....to which I usually reply, 'nothing'. This is pretty much true. Birmingham is a place to grow up, to work, to live...but really in terms of extraordinary events, venues, activities, attractions...it's slim pickin's.

However....yes...wait for it...Birmingham just happens to be home to Cadbury World, UK's chocolate factory. Now, although I haven't ventured out there yet, I have become acquainted with someone who works there. Sorry...he is a manager there. He is a housemate of my friend Jacqui. His name is Dave...aka the Easter Bunny...aka Willy Wonka.

So...if Cadbury World has extra chocolate or mispackaged product, who do you think they give it to...or sell it to for very cheap? You guessed it, Dave. Yesterday, I was at Jacqui's and Dave walks in and places two chocolate globes on the table (like chocolate oranges, minus the orange part). So...we eat those and say thank you. Dave asks us if we like cadbury chocolate buttons. Jac says...'not really'. I say 'I don't discriminate when it comes to chocolate'. 5 minutes later (after Jacqui and I pondering what barrels and storehouses Dave has in his room), he comes downstairs with a 500g bag of chocolate buttons, just for me. My mouth drops and I barely can even say thank you.

So we continue our conversation about chocolate, discussing the difference between UK cream eggs and N. American ones, and how they actually produce them all year round and freeze them because they can't keep up if they just make them at Easter. I leave Jacqui and Dave's house with a gut ache from too much chocolate, and to the words 'i'll see what i can do about those creme eggs Rachel'. Perfect. Thanks Willy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Rachel, if you really don't know what to do with all the extra chocolate you can always send some home to your chocoholic aunt and uncle. My mouth is salivating already ... hmmm, I must have some dark chocolate stashed away somewhere.

7:52 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey rach.... sounds pretty sweeeeet!!! can I come??? or you know, I'm always willing to accept gift packages filled with chocolate!!!
love you lots!

8:49 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Further proof that you are indeed my daughter. Not that I have any reason to believe otherwise, you understand. I'd like to meet Dave (or at least his 'stash') when we come to visit. Obviously, a city that has Cadbury 'World' has something going for it. I also see golf courses all over the place on Google 'Earth', so I'm sure I could comfortably spend a few days there.

11:34 a.m.  
Blogger Paul and Yolanda Koole said...

Hey Rach, crazy story...Paul and I JUST went to Cadbury World!!! Really...we just went yesterday. (of course it's on the other side of the globe, but it's virtually the same place). We got a sweet tour of the factory and many a delectable sample. Have you found any strange UK cadbury chocolates that we don't sell in North America? Kiwi's have tons of great chocolate that I will miss dearly when we return to Canada :)
You better head over there to check it out!

10:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

8:18 a.m.  

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