Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Great Thing About Birmingham

And honestly, maybe the only great thing about this city....is what it's like at Christmas. Although I enjoy living here...a few of us here have decided that you really wouldn't want to live here long. It's not bad, but it's not great. People live here to work here. It's not a place you want to live and end up working here. People are serious about their jobs.

In anycase, it means that there are great shops, great restaurants, and not too much else. But let me tell you, I am excited about the Christmas season here. For one thing, there are already lights up everywhere. In all the big squares, along the streets..it's beautiful. They have set up a huge ice rink outside in the main square and I'm pumped to show these Brits how it's done (for those of you who've seen me skate...i'm completely joking).

And finally...there are the Frankfurt markets. Birmingham has a deal where they ask people from Germany to come set up a big market in the city. It is the biggest authentic German market outside of Germany or Austria. I have been everyday for the past few days. There are 100's of stalls set up selling crafts, pretzels, sweets, jewellery, toys, pottery, spices, and of course lots of food. Crepes, shnitzel, bratwurst, ham, candied nuts, donuts, pastries, chocolate and mulled wine (gluhwein). Wow. It's all really good. The whole area is decorated for Christmas and is very traditional. I feel so at home just standing in the middle of all these people just watching everyone buy food, sip their hot wine, have a beer, peruse the market stalls. It feels like a movie. It has made my week just wandering around thinking about winter and the Christmas season. I will post pics as soon as I remember to bring my camera when I go.

I hope everyone is well. I can't believe I will be home in a month to see you all! I am very exctied. It is strange how I can become so comfortable and at ease here while at the same time miss home very deeply. It creates quite the emotion when I am so excited about a new life here...but ache to have a taste of home here with me. I miss you all very much. And the snow. It's cold here, but a bit damp...I will really miss snow I think.

Well thanks for keeping up with my blog. I love reading all the comments. Till next time..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The observations about what seems to make a city good or great and what motivates people to be there are interesting. I wish we could be there to see the Christmas decorations and market. Sounds wonderful. I think that if we recognize what it is we are celebrating at Christmas, there are things about the celebration that we can appreciate more than ever. So enjoy the sights, sounds, smells and tastes and post some photos! See you soon!

6:49 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A visitor to our hospital lives near Birmingham; Bewdley. He knew the area where you live, and mentioned that the biggest cricket club outside of London is Edgbaston. Have you found it? Maybe that's another "great" thing about Birmingham. Christmas season has officially started in our house, too, now that my b-day is over.

8:01 a.m.  
Blogger Brian and Erin said...

MMMmmmmm....food.....! Maybe we should have come to Birminham instead of Africa! The keyboard is wet from Brian's slober. Glad to here you're having fun. We still haven't see any Christmas lights here in Africa....perhaps one reason is that we're in an Islamic country. Eat a Brotworst for us (or maybe two). Brian just made the pig noise.

1:04 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally.... another post!!! I've been waiting for it! Cuz I haven't talked to you in WEEKS!!!! hope things are going well! i'm definitely pumped about Christmas too! Only one week left of classes... and finals of course. And don't worry, you're not missing any snow yet! I miss you tons and hopefully we can talk SOON!!!
love ya!

7:10 p.m.  

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