Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Since the last time...

Sooo, it has been a while. I was told by a good friend that I should post, even if I don't think it's interesting. I shall choose to believe that it is the case that you all are interested, even in the 'everyday' occurrences in the life of Rachel.

So since last blog, rather than blogging in the evening I have been doing much cleaning and laundry, cooking (trying to cook), having evenings with the housemates, and chatting with friends before they leave on exciting adventures (you know who you are!)

I have also visited Oxford, with a teaching friend from church, as well as gone hiking with a friend and two of my housemates. It's great when someone has a car. I've come to really enjoy being in people's cars and houses. It is a treat, and a rare occurrence.

Christchurch College (most famous of Oxford University colleges). Said to be the birthplace of Lewis Carrol's 'Alice in Wonderland'.

Magdalene College (probably the most beautiful college of the 89 colleges)

Dinner with Emma and Dave (she'd kill me if she knew this was on here!)

Dave made us Toad-in-the-'ole, potatoes, peas and gravy.

Hiking with Dave, Emma and Jacqui

I have also joined a church home group who meet on Wednesdays a short distance from my house. I can't even explain how thankful I am for a group of Christians to meet with. These people are so welcoming, selfless, and so eager to learn from the bible. I have seen in them and true hunger to dig down to what we are expected to be as Christians and to seek our guidance and passion straight from God's word in scripture.

This group, in only two weeks has challenged me to think practically about my spiritual life, in ways I had forgotten I should be doing. It is amazing how in a month or two of being a bit disconnected with believers, it can be easy to drift and allow my heart to grow cold, and allow other things to become more important. Afew things have really struck me in the past week.

1. Why is it so easy to let our conversations with Christians and anyone, to run so shallow, so easily. Why is it that I shy away from having dialogue about faith, God, struggles, etc.? The hope we have in our salvation should overflow out of us, into the things we talk about. I am praying that I will be able to focus a greater percentage of my thoughts and words around things with eternal value, rather than succumbing so easily to talks of fluffy, useless topic which in the end, draw no one closer to Christ. Wow, this might be tough.

2. I think I am realizing that often, when I get lazy or careless in my persuit of scripture and knowing Christ better, it is because I have lost perspective of the grace and salvation I have been given. Do I long for friendships, belonging, adventure, etc. more than I long for Jesus, and ultimately, heaven? Do I really grasp the strenth of Christ's love for me, and what He has done for me? Where are my sights set? Are my actions and decisions motivated by a realization of what I have in Christ rather than what I have in life? Hmmm....I guess I have had a big reality check. Like....Rachel...do you really get it? Do you let the message of the gospel, penetrate into your heart, your life, your thoughts. Does it consume you as much as all of your struggles, apprehensions, desires. Wow, this might also be tough.

In any case, I am so thankful for the blessing of new friends, new ideas (or old ones revisited), and new perspectives. Thank God for his grace and patience with a heart that might never really 'get it'.

Till next time...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Terrific insights you have there! I agree that it's tough to stay focused on what is truly relevant in our spiritual lives. I'm SO glad you've found a small group and thanks for the challenge!

6:41 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us in on what's been stirring on the inside, Rachel. Those questions are Spirit-generated. They are a sign of God's favour toward you. Whatever we hold back from Him or put before Him turns out to be wood, hay, stubble. He's calling you and the rest of us to total abandonment to Himself. We already know what that would look like. It would be amazing! Blessings, sister!

9:03 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never left a comment on a blog before... Anyways, thanks for your challenges Rach and also for your update of daily happenings (I check for an update often)! It's hard to see past the things of this world (like being a week overdue in my case) and look to the spiritual. Thanks for the reminders though. Love ya chickie!

9:35 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad I've got the adress to your sight. ('Til now I've been tracking your adventures while looking over my daughter's shoulder - that's a little far from view now)
Thanks for posting the "everyday stuff", and for sharing your heart! Isn't it wonderful that God is with us in the everyday ordinary stuff and longs for us to spend time with Him. So glad that you have found a home group to "spur you on".
love you

11:49 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rachie, glad to see the post. Although this isn't "boring" stuff. Great to hear how God's working in you and through, I'm sure you are an encouragement to your friends as they are to you.

3:46 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel,I had asked the Lord to give
you a small group of Christian young people to spend time with so I was so excited to see how God answered my prayers above what I had expected. He is so faithful.And
yes it is tough but Phil:4:13 says
"I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power".
Grandpa & I thank God for you.
By the way its almost peppernut day.We will miss you. We love you so much.

8:54 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps this is a "shallow comment" but I am super excited to see pictures of Oxford. Magdelene college was home to C.S Lewis for years. Also, it is great to hear how you are growing in your faith life over there.

6:32 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled to be at the time in my life when my daughter can teach me! I am impressed by your desire to balance God, family and friend relationships with experiencing the other good things that God has given us - the beuaty of the earth, food, adventure, etc. I will be praying for you and thinking of you as you sift through the stuff of life, continuing to figure out what is fluff and what is real. As always, I love the travelogue and I love you!

11:48 a.m.  

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