Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Into the Swing of Things

So...since the last post, not much has happened, but in a way lots has. It's Friday tomorrow and it's been a crazy week. It's been better and better getting to know my housemates. A new guy has just moved in and seems pretty cool. And I'm starting to get to know the others quite a bit more.

Teaching has been less supply and more covering the same class for the whole week (sick teacher) which means lots of planning (nothing left for me to cover) and lots more marking. So not what I expected but not too bad. The students are getting used to me...and I am getting used to teaching in this country.

Church was great. It was sooo good to worship on Sunday with a small group from a large church that had most of the members away on a retreat. I am looking forward to seeing what it's like when the whole church is there next Sunday. Should be good. It's nice and close, very bible centred, and oriented to families and students. Very nice people.

Oh, and ya, I'm doing salsa dancing. Just started tonight. It's great. It's pretty much a bunch of women and a few men who have no clue what they're doing. We've started in the beginners group and are hoping to go often to get really good so we can just salsa whenever and wherever we want.

Other than that, I pretty much go to bed early, get up early, pretend to cook good dinners. The normal stuff. I am enjoying it here very much. And yes, I still miss home very much as well. That's all I've got for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rach! I thought id check out your blog (finally) and see how your'e doing! I'm glad everything (friends, church, teaching...)is going well!!
I've been busy over here. I got a .50 contract teaching kindergarten this year which is very exciting. My school and staff are great too, so I couldn't ask for more :) My school's quite big, so in the afternoons i often can supply teach too (so i kinda know what you're feeling...apart from NOT being in a different country!). Today I spent my afternoon teaching Grade 8 (very interesting...haha...alitte different than teaching my morning class :P)
Anyways... great to hear how you're doing. Keep on updating! Miss you.
-Love, Sarah

2:53 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salsa! Rachel, you're too cool!!! Post a Salsa pic if you want us to believe this! Imagine what your resume will look like after this whole adventure! Good to hear about the steady teaching. Blessings.

6:22 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rach
I was going to email you today but decided to check out your blog instead. It is awesome seeing all your pictures and reading about your crazy adventures. I didn't expect anything less from you. So glad that you are doing well,

9:48 a.m.  

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