Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Friday, February 09, 2007

And Four Days Later...

If you can't make it out, the words written in the snow say....'Happy Snow Day'. This was written by four young, good looking and very excited teachers this past Thursday. At 6:30 I was awakened by a phone call from Jacqui informing me that indeed, we did not have to go to work today. Fighting the urge to return to bed like a good little Canadian who knows how snow days work...I jumped out of bed, eager to please this naive Aussie who had never really experienced snow. Skeptical at first, Jacqui was pleasantly surprised and we all had a fantastic day. Much different than the spring picnic we had on Sunday, but a fantatsic day. We literally ran through the streets waving to everyone and wishing them a happy snow day, went 'sledging' in the park on make-shift toboggons, walked into the city, and stopped by the pub for a winter warming pint. Below are some pics. I know some of you will be laughing at the amount of snow that it took to create sheer havoc and chaos in Birmingham. Oh...and yes, today, Friday was also a snow day. Decided the night before, in anticipation of the entire city coming to a halt due to the 'severe' winter weather. This proved true as today the buses didn't run...the roundabouts were blocked for hours, everyone packed themselves into the shops and pubs. It is very interesting to see how the Brits do winter and snow. I still have the giggles when I picture people trudging through the streets wearing wellies and carrying umbrellas.

The two-day snow crisis has now meant that I am officially on half-term break. Tomorrow we pack and head to Dublin for 5 days. See you on the flip side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first thought when I saw that first pictures was... "A snow day... for THAT amount of snow?!?" I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous that that's all it takes! Looks like you guys had tons of fun! Can't wait to hear about Dublin!

9:01 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see the fun that you were having, Rachel. But it would have been good to see at least one pic of a seasoned snower from Canada doing something heroic for the disoriented locals -- even assisting someone to cross a treacherous street! Maybe taking command at a roundabout! The type of cool-minded and brave-hearted heroism that brings out the BBC! If it happens again .... carpe diem! Remember your mettle! (This getting weary -- I'm going for a nap)

10:42 a.m.  

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