Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Monday, June 25, 2007


Unfortunately, the fact that it is Monday means this is my last blog from the UK. Today, I fly to Germany where I will meet my dear friend Kaley to begin my travels.

Let me tell you, the past few weeks have been absolutely insane. Apart from frantically running around ordering rail passes, cancelling standing orders, paying bills, and meeting everyone for one last cup of tea or pint, I have been experiencing the entire spectrum of emotions. Pretty much I think it hit me how much I care about people, and have been really feeling how much people have come to care about me. I don't think I had realized the attachment I have to many people that I know here in Brum. Which is a good thing, and a bad thing. I feel very much like I am torn in two, (yes, like the song). I feel that it is time to come home, to re-enter life, routines, and reconnect with my friends and family at home. On the other hand, it feels extremely unnatural to sever ties with those here who have become my friends and family here. I am really of the opinion that relationships are not meant to be broken or in this case, chopped off like a limb...relationships I think are meant to grow closer, deeper and to continue, not to stop. It will definitely be a struggle for me to learn how to let go of people, and to learn how to continue friendships in different, long distance, more effort sort of ways.

It is safe to say that although teaching here has been an unbelievable challenge and experience, it is far down on the list of things I will miss most about England. The last three weeks have been very trying, and I am happy to take a break from teaching. I am very anxious to see how I react to the differences I see in schools when I come back home. Nothing is like the kids and schools here in Birmingham...trust me.

Well...I think I shall leave it at that and say my last words from Birmingham. I intend (note the choice of vocabulary) to post every once in a while during my travels, assuming all cameras and computers cooperate so be on the lookout for new posts and pics. Sorry I couldn't post Ireland, it just didn't happen. Oh...and there is still time to come and join me in Europe if anyone needs the extra push :).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, Rachel. When you get back here, we'll try to fill the care-gap for you! Blessings on you during your travel days!

2:37 p.m.  

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