Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beautiful Day

These are the first pics I've really had of friends from church. So I thought I'd post afew so that you believe me. This past Saturday we went hiking (about 10 of us) to a place south of Brum called Malvern Hills. We took the train for the day, stopped for lunch at the top of the hill at a great pub. It was a fantastic day.

Mike and Mandy are on the right with their kids Kayla and Jason. I'm in the middle with Hyun-Mi. Nick and Jonty are in the back, and Jane and Mike are crouching.

Mike with Kayla

Nick pondering while Jason explains the ways of the world.

'British Camp'. Apparently a last resort defensive strategy for the British against the Romans.

Almost at the top. Beautiful views.

The latest addition to Wed. night homegroup. Hyun-Mi holding David and Jo's month old Gracie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel, it's neat to see such friends that God has brought into your life. The Malvern Hills pic (whole group)is a keeper!

7:53 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, great pictures of your home group. I love seeing "church" happen in such a variety of settings. I've got your mountain-top photo on my desktop. We thank God often when we think about you and your group, and the way you're growing together in Him.

5:04 p.m.  

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