Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This blog thing...

Well....it seems to be more trouble than its worth right now. I really want to post pics and let everyone know whats up....but it is more difficult than i thought it would be. Trying to find free internet where people aren't waiting or finding somewhere that will allow me to download pics, is not always possible.

SO......for now, i will just let you know what's been happening.

Since Kaley left me, I met my friend jacqui in Prague. We spent two nights there before moving on to a place south of Prague called Ceske Krumlov, or as we like to call it "zesty crumb cutlets". This was by far better than Prague. The weather is getting warmer...hot in fact. We spent an entire day rafting on the river meeting tons of people as we paddled by. Ask me later about the bachelor party we encountered.

We then went on to Salzburg where we discovered that the hills are indeed alive with music. it was a beautiful place, and fairly calm compaered to the other cities i've been to. We are now in Vienna, but both leaving. jacqui is going to Spain, and I am getting on a train to Budapest. I'll be there for 3 nights then off to Croatia. It is hot....I am loving it...it has been a while since I have felt the heat.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ceske Krumlov is indeed a very beautiful town, especially at night when the castle is illuminated.


2:29 p.m.  
Blogger Rachel said...

wow...you've been there. cool.

4:53 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't find it on google maps. Help!

5:04 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry about the bach. party Rach.

12:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait till you come home (your mom accidentally told me the actual date!)

7:51 p.m.  

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