Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Waiting it Out...

Well...although the original intention was to travel 5 weeks almost entirely on my own...it is going to be a struggle after having a good friend with me for over 2 weeks. I have just arrived in Prague and am finding it wierd being alone, even though I meet Jacqui in a few hours. It has reallz been a blessing having Kalez travelling with me. She is now slowlz making her way home...via train, plane, her new car...etc. In a way, I am a bit jealous. I have been planning the places I have yet to see, but also have this great big lump in my stomach, just aching for home. Kaley going home hasnt helped. This crazy feeling of wanting to be home AND wanting to see more of Europe is present almost every day. But, of course has made me think about what home really is....

I have thought about why i am so excited to return home. There is something about being close, and making tighter bonds with those I love most and who love me most. It has been hitting me that this is the way I should feel about my eternal home, where I am MEANT to be one day. I struggle to understand why I am so eager to see my friends and family and be back where I belong in Niagara, yet I often do not feel this way about heaven. If I love Christ the most, and He loves me more than anyone, why do I not feel a hunger, an ache, and long for heaven every single day? The cop out answer is that heaven is not tangible, its not here and now, its hard to grasp in this world, each day. But as I think more...I realize that it is probably more than that. I am convinced that the more I know God, the closer I get, the more I understand His love for me...and my purpose in living for Him...the more I will have a hunger for heaven....and constant yearning to be with the one I love.

Here, in Europe, I've got email, phone calls (expensive ones), and of course facebook, messenger, myspace, etc.....but it's not good enough. I want to BE WITH my friends, my family, in my HOME. My prayer is that we might all feel that way about Christ. We have church, we have prayer, we have fellowship, we have the Holy Spirit, we have scripture. And one day....we will BE WITH Him! We will see His glory, we will share in it...we will see Him face to face, and will be rid of this world that just isn't good enough. I have to remember that I am not of this world. I am a foreigner, an alien. I also think that in a way, my heart often 'forgets' to long for heaven because I am too preoccupied and distracted by the things I love so much in this world. I want to set my sights, my heart on things above, because, again, this world seems to have everything, yet has nothing, in the scheme of things, in light of eternity. Any thouhts, corrections, prayers are welcome!!!!

ps. Kaley and I spent our last days in Dresden after leaving Poland. I'm in prague for a couple of days then on to munich and maybe salzburg then vienna.


Blogger Carolyn said...

rach - I'm looking forward to your return home. I really appreciate your blog today - it sounds like you're processing alot. Your thoughts on heaven . . . I guess some of my thoughts have been that perhaps heaven is closer to earth than we realize - that the incredible communities, friendships, families that we have not only give us a glimpse of heaven - but truly a gift of heaven that we get to experience now. It's quite comforting to know that heaven is not only the future, but can be the present as well.

12:23 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Rachel. I'm so encouraged by how you're paying attention to what you're experiencing. These short-term nomadic treks have the potential for reinforcing the truth that God is our "home". Could that be one of the reasons why He has His people on the move for much of Biblical history? Our own home-building (friends, fam, house, car, vocation, etc) are secure and comforting, but usually turn into complacency (I just noticed "place" in that word!). Idea: Ask God for His desire for the people, towns, countries that you've got remaining on your itinerary -- and PRAY His truths and His promptings over them. A sort of short-term prayer trek! Accept the loneliness and let Him fill it! It's a cool opportunity for you. Blessings.

1:46 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soooo... All summer in our Sunday assemblies we're looking at The Peters. That is Peter's two letters. So it's a wonderful tension between living "here" and longing for "there." I appreciate goosey's comments; that we can be living a bit of heaven when we receive those good gifts that are good, pure, honourable etc.

And by the way, we long for you to be home, too, and are confident that the insights you are gaining are indeed a taste of heaven here.

Love you.

10:35 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reunion when one returns home is pretty amazing too. Maybe a taste of what the ultimate reunion will be like? Be expectant.


8:40 a.m.  

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