Rachel In England

Postings by Miss Peters on her Progress across the Pond

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Snow? No.

Just thought this was an interesting picture. I guess the clouds and overcast weather in this country can be good for something. Just liked the way it turned out. We were walking along the border of England in Wales above a town called Knighton. Absolutely beautiful....and came across these fantastic trees...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So many people have asked, 'what is in Birmingham?'....to which I usually reply, 'nothing'. This is pretty much true. Birmingham is a place to grow up, to work, to live...but really in terms of extraordinary events, venues, activities, attractions...it's slim pickin's.

However....yes...wait for it...Birmingham just happens to be home to Cadbury World, UK's chocolate factory. Now, although I haven't ventured out there yet, I have become acquainted with someone who works there. Sorry...he is a manager there. He is a housemate of my friend Jacqui. His name is Dave...aka the Easter Bunny...aka Willy Wonka.

So...if Cadbury World has extra chocolate or mispackaged product, who do you think they give it to...or sell it to for very cheap? You guessed it, Dave. Yesterday, I was at Jacqui's and Dave walks in and places two chocolate globes on the table (like chocolate oranges, minus the orange part). So...we eat those and say thank you. Dave asks us if we like cadbury chocolate buttons. Jac says...'not really'. I say 'I don't discriminate when it comes to chocolate'. 5 minutes later (after Jacqui and I pondering what barrels and storehouses Dave has in his room), he comes downstairs with a 500g bag of chocolate buttons, just for me. My mouth drops and I barely can even say thank you.

So we continue our conversation about chocolate, discussing the difference between UK cream eggs and N. American ones, and how they actually produce them all year round and freeze them because they can't keep up if they just make them at Easter. I leave Jacqui and Dave's house with a gut ache from too much chocolate, and to the words 'i'll see what i can do about those creme eggs Rachel'. Perfect. Thanks Willy.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

To Cambridge via Peterborough....Am I really in England?

I'll say it again. I can't believe how easy it is to go places in this country. All it takes is a few quid, and a couple hours, and you're anywhere in the country.

Since the last time, I've been laying pretty low. I seemed to have managed to be really sick for a week, right after returning from Canada. But I slept for about 2 days straight, and this week felt super. Oh...and ya, I felt like I was Dorothy being blown away in the crazy wind. Thanks to those of you who've asked if I am still 'grounded'.

Yesterday, my friend Aisling (said Ashling) and I ventured out to see Cambridge. Compared to Oxford, Cambridge is smaller and in our opinions, prettier. Same types of old stone buildings beautiful courtyards, all set along the river Cam which is full of 'punters' having a go at boating down the water. If you look closely, you will see that these people have no clue what they're doing. In fact, two boats almost collided, and we witnessed a guy fall in. It was hilarious. A bunch of girls screamed and the next thing we new, he was crawling back in the boat, soaking wet and probably really cold.

We really just wandered through the town, ate at a nice cafe/restaurant, and imagined what it would be like to call Cambridge your uni town.

Today (Sunday) was the Uno championships (pronounced here 'you-know' which gets quite confusing while playing). Now, at the Birmingham Uno Casino, you are always encouraged to wear your best and most interesting attire, so be warned that clothes were selected very carefully. I unfortunately lost to Kamila by 3 points. Too bad.

I look forward to another couple of weeks of rest before heading off to Dublin for a few days over the Feb. break. I am continuing to be learning tons and challenged even more at church and homegroup. We are currently on a series looking at work and rest, and how Christ wants us to live, to prioritize and spend our time. It's really practical and has been great so far. The biggest lesson so far, is that all of us need to evaluate where we get our identity and security from. It is often too easy to look to being good at our jobs, being successful, being recognized, and working long hours, to feel validated, secure, significant and for rewards. I have been reminded that the only security and significance we need is that that comes from knowing we are children of God, loved, and saved, and that our reward is yet to come, sooner than we might think. The only recognition and satisfaction we should be looking for is the 'well done, my good and faithful servant'. Aside from this, our ambitions, and vain attempts for success and reward will only leave us wanting, leave us dissappointed, and leave us restless. I think that the hard work we do, is necessary and useful, as long as we keep in mind that it should be an extension and overflowing of our worship, to bring glory to God, not ourselves. Hmmm....as easy as it sounds?

I hope you all can be reminded to go to work each day with the intention to extend your worship and to do everything for His glory, finding value in working for Him, finding security and significance in Him. For He has done so much, worked so hard for us. Christ worked intentionally and faithfully when he was on the earth, to bring glory to the father, and to rescue us from our sin. Imagine if all the work we did was to this standard.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Back in Brummieland

For those of you reading this, most of you have seen me in the past two weeks. Just thought I'd update for those who didn't, or for those who want my take on my holidays. And this gives the chance for some of you to make a guest appearance on my blog. Now you'll be famous.

I am glad to be back here, to continue getting used to life in England and getting to know people better. But indeed, there is nothing quite like the comfort, security and encouragement of people at home. So thank you. In my eyes, here's what the break was like.

I was fortunate enough to stay with Mike and Mandy Ferguson (from City Church) for the 24th and 25th of December. They had Mandy's family there, along with their two kids, Kayla and Jason. It was a great day and it felt like Christmas.

The rest of the 25th went something like this:

2:15pm - check flight online - no problems
3:15 - leave for airport
3:50 - arrive to see my flight delayed till 11:00 (perfect)
4:30 - informed that flight won't be leaving till the 26th (awesome)
4:32 - call home fighting the tears
6:00 - recieve voucher for dinner/eat dinner
8:00 - go to hotel with now friends from Air India flight 187
8-10 - shower and watch Simpsons (a very merry christmas indeed!)
10-3 - sleep (or try) having nightmares about missing my flight
3:00am - wake up call/get back on bus/get on airplane/arrive home in time for boxing day celebrations (thanks for waiting everybody!)

So from the 26th to Jan 3rd i was home. I had the chance to fit in tons of seeing people....

The family...

with that helmet, you'll fo' sho' make it to the pros Darren

Yes, the antlers came home for Christmas

The immediate fam...
Good to see the brother although he will be in the UK soon (assuming you book your flight!)

The other side of the family...

The girls
It wouldn't be true holidays without a little chocolate fondue!

Sarah's wedding

The boys

The whole gang on New Years

Kale I hope you noticed you made 2 cameos in this blog (nice hat by the way)

It was a real blessing to connect with old friends, who I won't see for months now, and to spend a morning (short as it seemed) at church. Will miss you guys (you know who you are). And Happy New Year to those of you who I couldn't see (Brian and Erin, I miss you soooo much!)

A (wo)man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it. - George Moore